The club runs many internal tournaments and squash and racketball leagues at various levels that ensure that you will always have other members of a suitable level for you to play on a regular basis.
There are 9 internal squash leagues, each featuring five players, and ranging from county-level to beginners; so, you are bound to find a level that is appropriate for you.
We also have 3 racketball leagues, each featuring six players; again, ranging from county-level to beginners;
Each league is played over a period of five weeks.
Anyone wishing to join a league simply needs to contact our Vice Chairman Nigel Stilgoe whose contact details are available on our MYCOURTS online booking system.
Finally, we also run various annual tournaments for both squash and racketball (open, over 35s, over 45s, over 55s, over 60s and handicap competitions).